"One thing I have desired of the LORD, That will I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the LORD All the days of my life, To behold the beauty of the LORD, And to inquire in His temple."

Being in the presence of the Lord, according to this passage from Psalm 27, should be a desire, and I believe that the more intentional we are about it, the more we can experience that desire. Speaking from my experience, dwelling in His presence is a gift; I feel like I simply surrender, and He receives me and floods me with His love.

However, I must be honest; it hasn't always been easy to seek to be in the Lord's presence. Though it may sound forced, I firmly believe that at first, it is something we need to practice, until we reach a point where you are driving somewhere and without realizing it, you are dwelling in Him.

We can compare it to when we start exercising; we look for weights, a mat (if at home), and choose a place and time. In the same way, we can apply intention to wanting to spend a delightful time with our Heavenly Father. Here are some points you can apply to create a space where you can start to feel like you are dwelling with Him:

Selecting the Ideal Location
Find a quiet place away from daily distractions. It could be a corner in your room, part of the living room, or even a small garden. The important thing is that it is a place where you feel comfortable and at peace. Remember, as the Psalm says, this space is to "behold the beauty of the Lord."

Key Elements for Your Prayer Corner

  • Bible and Devotional Books: Having the Word of God at hand is essential. You can also include devotional books that inspire you.
  • Candles and Soft Lighting: Candles can create an atmosphere of peace and reflection. Soft lighting also helps to focus the mind.
  • Inspiring Art: Include pictures or images that inspire you and remind you of God's presence, such as Bible verses, crosses, or natural images that reflect God's creation.
  • Rugs or Cushions: Make sure the place is comfortable for sitting or kneeling during prayer.
  • Spiritual Journal: Keep a journal to write your prayers, reflections, and anything you feel God is communicating to you.

Creating a Prayer Routine
Psalm 27:4 speaks of "all the days of my life," inviting us to make prayer a daily practice. Setting a fixed time for prayer can help you create a strong habit. Whether in the morning, midday, or before bed, find a time that works for you and keep that commitment.

Keep Your Space Alive and Welcoming
Update your prayer corner with new decorations or verses that resonate with you in different seasons of your life. This not only keeps the space fresh but also reflects your ongoing spiritual growth.

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